"A Bryce Summer — Tutorial"
or "How to fix you up a nice summer with Bryce in 30 easy steps"

by Jean-Pierre Lapointe & Denis Vallée, Technologies Optim Inc.
(c) Copyright 1998, Technologies Optim Inc.

Step 21

Click the “Palette Toggle” button, then select the “River Bed” family in the family selection pop-up menu.

Palette Toggle button     Family selection pop-up menu

Cut and paste the selection, and associate to it a new family coloured in cyan and named “Water”.


Step 22

With the “From Right” camera view, raise slightly the new water objects so that they lie between the river bed and the water plane (along the Y axis).

Waterfall plane placement


Step 23

In the “Tutorial” textures, import Waterfall.mat and apply it to the water objects. Click the checkmark. You should get a result like the following one when rendering.

Usage of Waterfall texture


Step 24

We suggest to give your scene some more depth. To do this, in the “Edit” menu, “Select All”, group all items, and resize whole scene up (along the Y axis). After resizing the scene, you may ungroup the objects, keeping them grouped as before this step.

Resize along Y axis

Note: After resizing the scene, the water plane may have been moved relatively to the rest of the scene. In this case, just select it and put it back to its place.

New deepened elevation

Save your project!

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